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Native American Productions welcomes you to view our very unique services. 

Please click on the service below for more information.



Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? 
                                      Let's Talk!


Primary and Secondary school students can now experience a unique way of learning about sustainability through the lifestyle of the Native American Indian.

Red Horse is a descendent of the Mescalero Apache tribe from the Southwest of North America. He is now a permanent resident of Australia and is proudly presenting an exciting, highly interactive incursion that will demonstrate the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) in multiple ways.



Join Red Horse on a 2 hour inspirational journey to inspire direction through native eyes.

Native American Mescalero descendent Red Horse will share how his road has lead him to a greater understanding of himself so that his remarkable experiences can motivate and encourage one and all.

Renowned Native American flutist, Red Horse will immerse you in his mesmerizing genre of music.

Hear the power of his native voice resonate in his Mescalero tongue as he sings and drums as his ancestors did.

Be delighted by his captivating storytelling which always brings home an important message we can all enrich our lives with.

Share Red Horse’s paranormal experiences which have enlightened his views and changed his life forever.




We would be honoured for you to join us in our 7th Interactive Experience of a lifetime!


A Day in the Life of a Native American Indian


November 26, 2016

12.30pm to 6.00pm

Lilydale, Victoria


Now Accepting Bookings and Deposits to Hold Your Seat!


 Limited seating of only 50 people!


Tickets must be pre-booked. No Ticket sales at the door.


Don't delay in booking as this popular once a year event is always Sold Out!




 This was our 7th and last event.


Spiritual activity is on the rise. Some positive some negative.

Some of us are beacons and we attract energies more than others.


Red Horse can help you when you think there is no help. You are not alone and you are not crazy!

Red Horse cleanses homes that hold many different types of energies on a weekly basis with only positive results. The gratitude of his clients is a very rewarding appreciation of peace that dwells in their homes once a cleansing takes place.

You will also be given the knowledge to maintain the perfect energy.


Please feel free to contact Red Horse and speak with him personally and confidentially on 0425 428 088 or 0411 568 963.



If you want your festival to be on Fire you need Red Horse to bring in the crowds.

You will make the best decision when you choose Red Horse to perform at your Festival. 

Native American Indian, Red Horse, is a descendent from the Mescalero Apache Tribe from the South West of America.

He is one of the most exhilarating, power surged performers to entertain and draw in the crowds of today.

He is a speaker, an educator, a story teller, a flutist a dancer and actor.

His riveting traditional dance performances are pure energy that invigorate and transfixes spectators from all walks of life.

Red Horse’s mesmerising, heart-rending notes on the Native American flute captivate each and every listener, at times to the point of tears. The soul surrenders and is moved throughout his entire act.

His spirituality connects the audience with his passion and immense respect for his culture of the indigenous people of The Americas.



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