For thousands of years the Native American has cleansed themselves and their area by burning Grandfather Sage and smudging to rid any negative energy and also burning the Palo Santo Stick.
California White Sage is a broad leaf sage and is prized for its beautiful scentand qualities of healing and purifying. When burned during a cleansing, it is believed to purify people, places, and objects.
Palo Santo Stick is burned as inccense. The smoke also carrys away negative energy and promotes relaxation. Native american also used palo santo to treat a widerange of ailments, from colds and flu to arthritis.
All of our white sage is wildcrafted from the coastal mountains of Southern California by Native American families. Bag weight: 26 grams.
This bag also has information and instructions for cleansing yourself , your items, and your home. We have also included an Affirmation of Ownership for you to read whilst you are cleansing your home.
Loose Cluster Sage and Palo Santo Stick Bag
Thank you for purchasing products from Native families. By doing so you are supporting their sacred traditions and people.